While the outdoor temperatures fluctuate, how do you keep your indoor environment comfortable? Constant adjusting of your thermostat can be annoying and will most likely cause your energy bill to increase beyond expectation. Read on for a few tips on how to keep indoor temperatures consistent.
Controlling Indoor Temperatures When Outdoor Temperatures Fluctuate
Keeping your indoor temperatures consistent means keeping your home as airtight as possible. Gaps in your home’s windows are one of the biggest sources of energy loss. If this is an issue for you, installing new energy efficient windows will be your best option. Weather proofing your home will also have an impact on controlling indoor temperatures as outside temperatures fluctuate. Caulking around window sills and jambs to prevent air from creeping in is a good idea. And, weatherstripping around door frames will help to keep things airtight, as well. While we are on the topic of installing caulk and weatherstripping, let’s talk about insulation. Keeping your home properly insulated will help tremendously during the cold and warm months. All these suggestions are great, but we still haven’t covered the number one way to keep your environment comfortable while temperatures fluctuate outdoors.
And, the Best Way to Keep Your Home Comfortable All Your Round…
The best way to keep your home comfortable while temperatures fluctuate outdoors is….Have Your HVAC unit serviced. Calling a heating and cooling professional, like those at RE Sanders Inc., can help determine if your home’s furnace and air conditioning unit is working properly. Fixing problems such as a faulty thermostat, can help ensure your home is being brought to the right temperature quickly and efficiently. The technician will thoroughly evaluate all equipment and make you aware of concerns. Properly functioning HVAC equipment is the key to surviving this time of year.
Don’t hesitate to call RE Sanders Inc. if you are struggling to keep your home comfortable as temperatures fluctuate. We are here to serve you.