Heating and Cooling System
If you are in the market for a new heating and cooling system, and are having trouble understanding the industry “lingo”, you’re not alone. This article is for those who have more to do in life than try to decipher acronyms such as, SEER, AFUE, EER, BTU,ECM, VSD, etc.
To make your decision process easier, ask your salesman or “Home Comfort Specialist” (we can’t even make that simple) to explain terminology in a way that makes sense, without all of the techno “jargon”.
What You Really Need To Know
What you, the homeowner, really need to know is that the heating and cooling system you are purchasing is the best fit for your home and budget. Don’t be deceived into overspending for a high efficient air conditioner that you don’t need or that you won’t be able to recoup your investment from. Spend that “extra” money you saved to add on an accessory such as a humidifier or repair leaking duct work.
Contact R.E. Sanders
At R.E. Sanders our salesperson will provide you with all the important details in an honest easy-to-understand proposal. Call Joel Moore, our home comfort specialist at (717) 843-7894 for more details. Better yet, go to our website and click on the chat box to talk with him now! If he’s not in, leave your name and email and he will get back with you shortly.