Temperatures are dipping low these days in our area and that means it’s time for heating system maintenance. If you haven’t turned your heating system on already, it will not be long before the need arises. And, no one wants to have their system break down when cold weather arrives for good. Be sure all is well this winter and call RE Sanders Inc. to schedule your heating system maintenance.
Heating System Maintenance can Prevent You from a Winter Emergency
Don’t leave your family in the cold. Heating system maintenance can prevent emergency situations. When unexpected heating system breakdowns happen, they can be very expensive. Some statistics say that nearly 75 percent of heating system emergencies happen due to a lack of maintenance.
You may be wondering why it is so important to maintain the functions of your system. You may not realize it, but there are a variety of issues that can arise which will affect the ability of the equipment to work well. These small issues will become huge problems later. Here is a brief list of how you can avoid a broken heating system:
- Electrical connection issues-the correct electrical connections and voltage are needed for your furnace to work properly.
- Lubrication problems-some parts of the heating system need to be lubricated which will help with the lifespan of the equipment, as well.
- Improperly working thermostats-when thermostats aren’t working properly, your heating system isn’t heating properly.
- Fuel lines that are leaking- this can cause high energy bills, not to mention a leak in the fuel line is a hazard and can be dangerous.
- Air filters that are dirty-this causes low air flow resulting in over heating of equipment and higher energy bills.
Heating System Maintenance is Important
Yes, heating system repairs are costly, but that isn’t the only reason why it is recommended to have heating system maintenance performed by a professional on a regular basis. As I mentioned above, problems with this system can be a hazard to your family. For example, clogged vents have the potential of starting a fire and compromised ventilation results in carbon monoxide escaping into the house which can be deadly.
It is easy to avoid these dangers and costly repairs by calling RE Sanders Inc. today to schedule a heating system maintenance check. One of our trained technicians will visit your home and evaluate your entire heating system. Don’t hesitate. Call today at 717-843-7894 or visit our website for additional information.